Thermapan Structural Insulated Panels

Frost Wall Panels


Frost walls built with Thermapan’s Frost Wall SIPs are extremely quick to install compared to concrete, and provide the same footing protection against frost heaves.

Panel Sizes & Specifications

Thermal resistances stated for Canada table below comply with Division A, of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC).

Exterior Side PWF 0.60 Plywood
Interior Side PWF 0.60 Plywood
Length 8', 9', 10'
Width 4'
Thickness 6.5" (R-37)
8.25" (R-49)
10.25" (R-62)
12.25" (R-75)
Exterior Side PWF 0.60 Plywood
Interior Side PWF 0.60 Plywood
Length 8', 9', 10'
Width 4'
Thickness 6.5" (R-29)
8.25" (R-38)
10.25" (R-48)
12.25" (R-58)
Frost Wall Panels